Money Moves at the Speed of Trust
Our Executive Director, Molly Schultz Hafid, serves as the Chair of the JustFund Board. In 2023, the Butler Family Fund proudly joins more than 700 funders on the portal which has moved over $170 million to mostly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)-led organizations since 2017.
Click on the link below to listen to a recent webinar where Butler Family Fund grantees Action Center on Race and the Economy (ACRE), and Austin Justice Coalition (AJC) share about their work for housing justice.
​Funding Social Movements Matters More Than Ever
During the 2020 uprisings against anti-Black racism and amidst a global pandemic, every sector in the United States, including philanthropy, condemned systemic injustice and committed to implementing more equitable policies and practices within their institutions. Three years later, it remains vital for foundations to support social change movements, from emergence to infrastructure to sustainability. Butler Family Fund reflects with colleagues on the opportunity and challenges of supporting social movements.
Grantmaking Practices Toward Community Accountability
Join Butler Family Fund Executive Director Molly Schultz Hafid to explore concrete grantmaking practices and structures that can increase accountability, flexibility, and the ceding of power and resources, as well as what the barriers are that funders experience in attempting to shift toward these practices.